automotive companies of china artinya
- automotive: permobilan; otomotif; oto; kereta
- companies: perusahaan
- companies of china: perusahaan tiongkok; syarikat china
- china: negara cina; negeri china; porselin; tiongkok;
- automotive companies by country: perusahaan otomotif menurut negara; syarikat automotif mengikut negara
- automotive companies of germany: syarikat automotif jerman
- automotive companies of india: syarikat automotif india; perusahaan otomotif india
- automotive companies of japan: syarikat automotif jepun; perusahaan otomotif jepang
- automotive companies of south korea: syarikat automotif korea selatan
- automotive companies of the united kingdom: syarikat automotif united kingdom
- automotive industry in china: industri otomotif di republik rakyat tiongkok; industri otomotif di tiongkok
- beverage companies of china: perusahaan minuman tiongkok
- chemical companies of china: syarikat kimia china
- china railway companies: perusahaan perkeretaapian tiongkok
- clothing companies of china: perusahaan busana tiongkok